Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 8 -- Mr Clean Jeans

In order to get the best experience of designer denim one cannot wash it in the washing machine with hot water and tons of soap and then throw them in the dryer, it would completely ruin them. The denim will no longer fit, it will be worn, and become too soft too quickly. It would seem that since the best thing about an amazing pair of denim is that they fit the wearer perfectly and the entire concept of the wash looses this aspect because the denim becomes distorted. Perhaps the best way to wash denim is by hand. Preferably in water that isn’t too hot and with a small amount of soap/detergent, following with an air drying process where the denim is lied flat on a surface. This way it allows for the denim to be ‘freshened up’ without having to withstand the tough washing environment which will ruin them. I feel as though somewhere I also once read that as odd as it may seem, wearing ones denim into the shower to wet them, washing them gently with detergent and then following with the air drying is the best process. This way when the denim is wet it can mold to the wearers body and then in the air drying process the shape will not become too far distorted because they are not being tossed about in a heat filled tumbling machine. Preferably this process would be done as little as possible, because truly how dirty does our denim get, perhaps a minor stain every now and then, but mostly they are worn for a day in which we did no strenuous activity and then taken off. I think that the best timing then would be to possibly do this about twice a year, so every six months. After all, designer denim is expensive, and we want it to last for quite a long time and have them possibly evolve into our favorite pair ever.

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